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GT Coach, Josh Prestner Receives ‘From Hero To Zero

Frank I reread your book and once again I enjoyed it very much. I think it’s a great book for young people. Hopefully point shaving is not going on but you never know so it might be great for college kids also. I’ll be glad to help in anyway I can. I love the fact that you put a picture of you and Coach Hyder there at the end. Stay in touch and have a great holiday. Regards to your family sincerely

Bobby Cremins

GT Basketball Coach 1981-2000

Dear Frank,
I think I’m a pretty good writer and have been writing newspaper columns since my college days. But now I’m writing a book!. That’s whole new skill level! (I’d love to have some people buy my book and READ it.)
I can’t wait for your writers’ conference March 18 and this opportunity for success.
Yours truly,

George Caylor, CLU, ChFC, CRIA

117a Tradewynd Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 O: 434-455-7197 C: 434-851-3483, Family wealth planning and preservation since 1851. Do you receive your daily free cup of Tea? Go to www.TeaWithGeorge.com and sign up!